Spiritual Healing
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by Jennifer McVey

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The Unlimited Potential Program

The unlimited Potential Program is for those who want something new every week and enjoy the variety of switching between listening to hypnosis and listening to/ doing the meditations. The Unlimited potential Program is a combination of hypnosis and meditation downloads. You receive access to both the Hypnosis of the Month Club website and the Meditation of the Month Club website and each month you will receive access to 2 new hypnosis downloads and 2 meditation downloads.

Hypnosis of the Month Club
This club is for those who love hypnosis (and once you’ve done it, you’ll love it!) It’s that wonderful, comfortable… euphoric feeling that only an altered state of consciousness can give you. One of the best things about a new hypnosis download to listen to every other week is the surprise. You’ll learn what the topic is once it’s posted… never before so it sets your subconscious mind to look forward to it, to get excited about it and it makes it work better. When you are listening to subjects that you are working on, that you really want, when you’re seeing a hypnotherapist about something specific your mind is fixated on that particular goal (good for you- keep doing that!) So, when you listen to these you’ll be amazed to find how different your state of hypnosis becomes. You’ll see a difference in your mind acting on the suggestions. You’ll hear it differently. You’ll feel the difference and you just let go. It’s wonderful. It’s fun. It’s something that you can do every day or once a week. And hypnosis makes you feel great!

The Hypnosis of the Month Club introduces you to the newest editions to the hypnosis download collection.

Each month you will receive access to 2 new hypnosis downloads. Approximately every two weeks a new hypnosis download is added to the website and the oldest one is taken off. There will always be two hypnosis downloads posted at all times. One of the benefits of being a member of the Hypnosis of the Month Club is that you are able to request hypnosis recordings that you are interested in receiving.

When you join the Hypnosis of the Month Club you receive access to the hypnosis of the month website that gives you access to your  2 downloads a month, a request email form, and a monthly newsletter answering questions and concerns.

Meditation of the Month Club
If you love to meditate, to relax, to have someone guide you through mystical places, winding paths to attain your goals, ways to solve your problems and meet those you need in your life… You will love these downloads! Each one is uniquely different and extraordinary; the experience blissful and fulfilling. The time spent is well worth it and the results are fantastic.

The meditation of the month club introduces you to the newest editions to the meditation download collection. Each month you will receive access to 2 new meditation downloads. Approximately every two weeks a new meditation download is added to the website and the oldest one is taken off. There will always be two meditation downloads posted at all times. One of the benefits of being a member of the Meditation of the Month Club is that you are able to request meditation recordings that you are interested in receiving.

When you join the Meditation of the Month Club you receive access to the Meditation of the Month website that gives you access to your  2 downloads a month, a request email form, and a monthly newsletter answering questions and concerns.

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