Spiritual Healing
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by Jennifer McVey

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"Change Your Life - One    Day at a Time" Series
Manifestation Made Easy
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‘Change your Life One Day at Time’ Series
This series is created for those who are serious about their goals, have tried other/many things and still haven’t mastered it yet, and/or everyone who wants to achieve their goals easily. It can be fun and interesting. These courses eliminate disappointment and discouragement by creating a stable, safe and comfortable environment for you to discover what you really want, give you the tools to create it and give you the support and positive reinforcement that you need to make the whole process a whole lot better. When you are making a life change, it takes a while. That’s what these are for…you create the change by making part of your life slowly and consistently; You get just enough new information to keep you interested and not too much so that it overwhelms you or becomes burdensome. And before you know it, you have already changed those negative habits, are making better decisions, lost that extra weight, have more time for yourself and your family, increased your income or gotten that promotion, have improved your relationships, accomplished your goals and all around just feel better about yourself and your life.
Each program is one year long. You receive access to the “Change your Life One Day at a Time” series website.

The website provides you with:

A schedule for the month
Two affirmations a week
One hypnosis download
2 exercises
One meditation download
Weekly newsletter answering questions and concerns
Each month we cover a different topic that supports your goal. The Website is up dated the 1st of every month.


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