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by Jennifer McVey

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Finding Your Life Purpose

Do you ever feel lost or stuck but unsure of what to do, where to go or who to turn to? Do you ever have the feeling something is missing or that there is something you are here to do but don’t know what it is? Have you figured what you are here to do but are unsure of how to get there? If so, these classes are made for you! Finding your Life Purpose are a set of multiple classes designed to help you discover what your life purpose is and help you to discover and cultivate your greatest joys. You are here for a reason. You have a purpose. You have a destiny. Did you know that the path you are on or the path you are creating may not be the highest path for you? And although you may find happiness and satisfaction, it may not bring you the greatest fulfillment? In these classes you focus on what is to your highest good…your Higher Self knows what will bring you your greatest joys, deepest love, most fulfilling accomplishments and the lifestyle that brings you peace, safety and contentment. Spirit speaks to us in so many different ways. The symbols and signs can be easy to interpret if you know what you’re looking for. For example, the people you have in your life are there for a reason (whether you like it or not) and that person or pattern wont go way until you “get” the lesson. Through various exercises, meditations and hypnosis sessions you see for yourself where you came from, why you are here now and where you are going. We cover subjects that contribute to your Spiritual growth, understanding and knowledge; unlock your hidden potential and get clarity and guidance from your Higher Self. You learn how to ask the questions and understand and decipher the answers. During these classes you will discover and meet your Soul Group (in Spirit) and realize who they are in your life today. You will learn about consciousness, Light, vibrations, past lives, karma, fate vs. destiny, dreams, intuition, Nature, Spirit, and much, much more. This class is a must for those seeking to deepen their connection to their Higher Selves and Spirit and live a more Spiritual life.

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